Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Long Time, No Blog!

I don't know how people manage to Blog everyday. Clearly I can't manage to do it every day, month or even every quarter. For now I'll call this my end of first Quarter 2011 post. With any luck I will post again before the end of second quarter. I think in quarters after all because I am an accountant and thats how I roll. I will however, try to post more often.

So since we last met, things are going well. Life is Good after all. Hubby and I just celebrated one year of wedded bliss. He hasn't started divorce proceedings nor bludgeoned me to death. So that’s good.

The kids are good, growing fast and without permission as usual. The teen is well over 5 feet now and actually 3 or 4 inches taller than me with no signs of slowing down. Pip is growing too, losing teeth all over the place. The tooth fairy cannot keep up. I think she is running out of money!

We took a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth in January. Yep, Disney again. I really am much happier when I am in Florida. Especially, when it is so damn cold here. The older I get the more I hate the cold. Pip even lost a tooth while we were there. The tooth fairy delivered a Disney Gift card for his shopping pleasure! See everything is better in Disney. If they had good public schools in Orlando, I might move there.

We probably won't go back again this year, but we have already started planning for a big trip to California for next summer when the expansion of Disney's California Adventure is complete. They are adding a Little Mermaid land this year (that’s for me!!) and CarsLand for next summer. All very cool things. We are also going to hit up LegoLand and the San Diego Zoo. I am sure I will add a few more things to that list but that’s where we are headed for now.

Things are good at work, I got a new boss, I was very skeptical of her at first but it seems to have worked out. It’s nice to have some help and someone that totally and truly understands all the ins and outs of payroll. Dare I say I have even learned from her! She is a super snazzy dresser and drives a bright yellow sports car. She is quite the character!

Anyway, I better get some work done before that new boss of mine takes notice!

Spring is coming!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good Things yet to come...

I would have to say that I have been a bit down lately. I am not sure why. I really have no reason to be. My job is good, pretty secure I think. Home is pretty good, Hubby is awesome, hasn't bludgeoned me to death yet. Although I still do not know what I want for dinner. Kids are good, well, mostly you know, they are kids after all.

Pip is doing well in school, growing by the day. He is super smart and just an all around wonderful kid. Albeit a little high maintenance. He is learning a lot in swimming, I am not sure how many more sessions he has in him before he has mastered their program. They said originally it would take 3 to 5 years to go from the Level 1 that he started at to the Level 8 that he will finish at. He has been there 19 months, he took 4 months off for baseball, he is currently a solid Level 7. Yay for Pip, I am so happy for him and my peace of mind. He is enjoying Cub Scouts but is not enjoying all the work the he didn't know what coming with it.

The Teen is good, could be doing better in school, but I know middle school is a tough 3 years, we are almost done. He is a kids with ADHD who decided last year that he no longer wanted to medicate, so he has to work much harder to maintain good grades than he did when he was on some type of medication. He didn't like the way the meds made him feel. I can respect that. He is progressing nicely in Kendo which is Japanese Fencing for those of you that do not know. He will be getting his Bogu soon and then we start with tournaments in March. I can see this being an expensive sport but I am glad he has found an activity that he enjoys outside of video games. Speaking of which, he has also joined a WarHammer Club at school, this was a new one for me. He is not a joiner by nature so I was glad he wanted to join something, I was unprepared for the cost. He is going to have to pitch in with this one. He will take some classes soon to help him learn to build, paint, and play this game. Its a role playing type game with little figures, I would explain it but I can't, so I won't. If you want to know you can read more here... WarHammer

So nothing there to really be down about. So I really couldn't figure it out. I have wondered if this is because it is getting colder outside. I often suffer from SAD so naturally this could be my problem, but it is a little early for me, I usually start to hate life after Halloween. So then I thought that maybe it was because I will be 36 on Saturday. Boy, I am getting old. Yuck! I don't so much feel old because I am 36 but more because the Teen is taller than me and is going on 14. I don't know I got to be old enough to be a mom of a teenager. But you know the more I thought about it the more I decided that I don't really care how old I am.

Well today I think I figured it out. I had nothing to look forward too. Sounds dumb, huh? Let me explain. For the last few years Hubby and I seem to always have something planned, day trips to Rehoboth or Times Square, weekend getaways to Atlantic City or Disney. A family vacation to the beach or to Disney World. A wedding and honeymoon. Lots of good stuff planned all the time. We were constantly saving money for one trip or another. We have been to Disney in some form 4 times in 13 months. Atlantic City another 4 or 5 times. The Outer Banks, Times Square, countless times to the shore for Grotto Pizza and outlet shopping. Right now we have nothing planned. We are not saving any money for something special and really have nothing planned. We tried to plan something for my birthday weekend, but it just didn't work out with kids activity schedules and what not.

Well that is until today.... We have PLANS!! and I cant even begin to tell you how excited I am to have some. Today Hubby bought tickets for a new Cirque du Soleil show, its not until April 2011, but its a plan! And I got us tickets to our first Disney D23 Fan Event. This one is in Times Square at the opening of their new store there. Its in 2 weeks, so its close. Something to look forward to. The event is on Sunday, so we will go up on Saturday, look around, hang out, sleep in what will hopefully be a bed bug free hotel, and then attend the event on Sunday! I can't even tell you how excited I am by this. Hubby and I also started to talk about plans for our 1st Anniversary and summer vacation for next summer. Lots of plans in the works now. I feel better today. Can this really be it? I don't know but I am not going to over think it. As I so often do.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Wednesdays Suck... I know we all hate Mondays but nothing really sucks like Wednesday does. It smack dab in the middle of the week. Its a boring day too. No fun at all. OK, I might just not be in a good mood today. I woke up in a good mood, the kids got up easy, we even left the house on time. I am not sure why I am in a bad mood now. Must Be Work. See if I didn't have to work I would be in a great mood now. I'm tired, plain and simple. I think I'll take a nap in my car during lunch.

This is all I have for now..... More later?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rainy Monday Morning....

This is how I felt
this morning!

Coming into work today was difficult at best. It's cold and rainy. Great day to just stay in bed. Read a good book or catch up on some much needed sleep. Pip has a great Dr. Seuss book called "I Am NOT Going to Get up Today!" I love that book and that's how I felt this morning. It's a good book, if you have a toddler or young child I highly recommend it.

Thinking of all the things that need to get done today is just daunting. I am not even talking about here at work. (Where I probably should not be blogging from!) But after work. Leave here at 4:45, get Pip, take him to swim, Hubby will meet me at swim with the Teen, Scout uniform and Happy Meals. When swim ends at 6:00, we have to get Pip fed, changed and then to Scouts by 6:30, and then I will need to get the Teen changed and to Kendo by 7:15. Somewhere in here they both need to get homework done. I am exhausted just thinking about it. Pip won't get home from Scouts until after 8, which is already after his bedtime. I won't get home from Kendo until almost 8:30. **sigh** I need a nap. How nice would it be if Pip would actually do his homework at daycare afterschool. I can hear it now..."But Mom, M, S, H, (or any other kid) really needed me to play with him/her!" I guess he will do his homework tomorow morning before school. I am pretty sure that this is not good parenting.

I am only at work 3 days this week, which sounds wonderful if I didn't have to have surgery on Thursday. I am not afraid to admit that I am very worried, and scared of what they might find or even not find. I am sure it will all work out. But I have started biting my nails again after having stopped for quite some time. I am not sleeping well either. I don't know if its nerves or the pain. I thought I had gotten used to being in pain every single day, but maybe not. I have worked hard to not live on Vicodin but in order to get some sleep I might need to start. Next on the agenda.... Rehab!!! Maybe there I'll be able to get some sleep!!

Happy Monday Everyone!! Stay Warm and Stay Dry!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Scrapbooking and Friends....

I took off Friday from work. I am headed to Reading, PA for the Crop for a Cure. Its a scrapbook event where the proceeds are donated to the American Cancer Society. Good Cause. My BFF in the whole wide world... You know who you are... is going with me. I am so excited for my girls weekend away. I am hoping to get a lot done, but more importantly Its a free weekend, no kids, no worries, no laundry, no cooking, no cleaning (except keeping my spot clean). I even arranged for my ex-husband to take the kids on "my weekend" so that Hubby can also have the weekend off. I am not expecting him to finish any of our many unfinished household projects. It would be nice, but I am not expecting it.

I am just so looking forward to having uninterrupted conversation with girl friends, you know the ones we normally have, where in the background you always have some kid going, Mom, Mom, Mommy, Mom, Mom, Mom..... ARGH. I have wanted to change my name!!!

I am going to say it out loud now, my goal for this weekend is 10 layouts or 20 pages. I hope to work on the wedding and honeymoon. I would also like to work on a small Halloween type project for Pips class. I will let you know when I get back how I did. Prepare for failure, be pleasantly surprised if I succeed!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm pretty sure my husband hates me.

If he doesn't he probably should, I wouldn't blame him. He is very good to me and my boys, despite a few missteps, like telling me he looked in Pips backpack on Friday and there was no homework, only for me to find homework there on Monday morning at 7:15am, exactly 8 minutes before we have to leave the house for school. He takes very good care of us, works hard at a crappy job, goes to school, runs kids to activities, goes to Cub Scout meetings, he is an awesome guy.

He makes me dinner most nights, he cooks wonderful things. Last night it was BBQ Short Ribs, pan fried whole baby potatoes and green beans. It was very good. Every night he says, "Hey Wife, What would you like for dinner?" and just about every single night my answer is "I don't know". I am not sure how he hasn't bludgeoned me to death yet. I guess he doesn't realize how many frozen pizzas, bowls of cereal or ham sandwiches I ate for dinner before he showed up. Before him it was just The Teen (before he was a teen obviously), PipSqueak and I we didn't have gourmet meals, we just didn't. Once a week or so my friend NC came for dinner and then I would cook a great meal. That's about it. We also ate at my moms quite a bit, did the occasional order in and very rarely ate out. I am no good at deciding what I want for dinner tonight!!! I'm sorry to the hubby, but I just suck at this.

I hope he doesn't hate me, I really love him and love that he takes such good care of us. My god, The Teen would not make it through Algebra I if I were the only adult living in this house.

I am going to start thinking now about what I want for dinner tomorrow so that maybe I can make this easier on him. Well, I'll try at least...

Friday, September 24, 2010

So happy it's Friday!!!

Today is Friday. My husband doesn't work on Fridays, I don't like my husband on Fridays. But I do love that I get to eat lunch with him. We met for lunch today along with my mom. It was a good time. Lots of laughs. I really think that my husband was meant to be in my family. I can't say that I wish I'd met him earlier or instead of the first husband because I have the kids I have because of that first husband and despite my kids being super quirky, I wouldn't trade them for the world. My husband gets me, he really does, my odd sense of humor, my nutty family, my quirky kids, all of it, he just gets it. I love him, my kids love him, my family loves him, even all my friends adore him. It's so nice to be in a marriage where no one is whispering behind your back about how awful both your marriage and your husband are. Everyone in my life, well all the ones that matter anyway, are always telling me how nice it is to see me so happy. I can also say that it is nice to BE so happy.

Not that we don't have our issues, like he works at 2 speeds... Honey, I am going to get to that project today and Honey, I didn't get to that project today. I have learned to let it go, it will get done eventually and lets be honest here, I am not known for my completed projects. I am sure that he has a whole list of things that bug him about me, but he is good to me and loves me and that is good enough. The door on the Wii room will get hung eventually.  

So all in all, I am happy its Friday, hubby will pick up the PipSqueak from daycare and my mom already has dropped The Teen off at home. So nice to not have to make any stops on the way home today.

Hubby and I have tickets to Cirque Du Soleil - OVO tomorrow night at the National Harbor. We have been looking forward to this for months. We have seen a few of their other shows and have never been disappointed. 2 Thumbs up for date night!!!